Become a member of
Hooky Players!
Ever wanted to experience what being on the performing side of live theatre is like? Well, we can tell you that whether you are on stage, backstage, or front of house, there is nothing quite like the excitement of being part of a live entertainment production.
Don't take our word for it! Why not sign up to become a member of Hooky Players? However, if that's a step too far right now, send us a message and we can invite you to a rehearsal or two and help you make up your mind.
Membership Rules
Hooky Players is a society that aims to promote and support live amateur dramatic productions and other performing arts events in Hook Norton.
Membership of Hooky Players is open to anyone wishing to be actively involved with the group in either an acting or supporting role. Only members of Hooky Players may serve on the committee, vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or take part in stage productions, either as actors or as part of the on-stage production team. Non-members, or friends of the Society, are always welcome to support events in front of house, marketing, provision of refreshments and similar roles.
Adult members of Hooky Players, (aged 18 or over during the year of membership), shall be required to pay a subscription of £5 per annum. This sum is used to help offset general expenses of the society. Membership is free for members aged 17 and under during the year of membership. The annual subscription will be due in February and will normally be collected at the AGM, unless paid by direct debit. Individuals who have made significant contributions to Hooky Players may be offered “Honorary“ status, if agreed unanimously by the committee. “Honorary” members will be offered two free tickets for each production.
The Committee
The officers of the committee shall be elected by the adult membership at the AGM, held during, or close to, February each year. The role of the committee is to:
1. Provide creative direction to the society.
2. Reflect and represent the views of the membership.
3. Provide practical support to all Hooky Players’ productions.
Members and Officers of the Committee
Officers of the committee shall include:
1. Chairperson: The primary role of the Chairperson is to provide leadership, cohesion and creative direction to the society.
2. Vice Chair: The primary purpose of this role is to assist and support the Chair in their duties and to stand in for the Chair in their absence.
3. Secretary: The primary tasks of the Secretary are to maintain a current list of members, to make performance venue bookings, to organise committee meetings and the AGM, to arrange suitable insurance cover for members taking part in productions, to publish an agenda for such meetings, to take minutes and to distribute the minutes to all members.
4. Treasurer: The primary roles of the Treasurer are to advise the Chairperson on financial issues affecting the society, to maintain the accounts in a professional manner and to provide a financial report at the AGM.
Other members may be co-opted to the committee to provide expertise in particular fields.
Committee Meetings
In addition to the AGM, committee meetings may be held when deemed necessary by the Chairperson; for example: to discuss and decide on future events, to provide updates during the preparation for a production or to “wash-up” post-production. Committee meetings can, in exceptional circumstances, be called by any committee member with the agreement of the officers of the committee. Committee members will normally be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of a meeting. All decisions made at committee meetings will be made on the basis of a simple majority vote, with the Chairperson holding the casting vote.
All funds raised by Hooky Players shall be used to support performing arts events promoted by or organised by the society as agreed by the committee. From time to time it may be considered desirable to make donations in support of other village organisations or charities, but these should only be made with the approval of the full committee.
The Chairperson has the authority to approve up to £250 extraordinary capital expenditure annually. Sums in excess of £250 will require the majority approval of the full committee. This expenditure excludes any previously approved for group productions and annual insurance costs.
Dissolution of The Society and Disposal of Assets
The society shall only be dissolved by resolution passed unanimously, by all members present, at an Extraordinary Meeting called for that purpose. In that event, all assets and monies of the society shall be applied to a charitable purpose similar to those of the society at the discretion of the committee.
Amended 27 Feb 2025