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Production Name

Role Play

Production Genre

Production Date


2012 September

Justin and Julie-Ann, hopelessly mismatched in love, are about to introduce their respective parents to each other over dinner - Justin's upper-crust alcoholic mother from Surrey and Julie-Ann's bigoted Yorkshire father and prim mother. Into this doomed scenario drops, literally, via the balcony upstairs and the river, Paige Petite, a former lap-dancer with suicidal tendencies and her thick, gun-toting minder who is employed by her violent boyfriend ...


Cast & Crew

Cast in order of appearance:

Julie-Ann Jobson - Eleanor Wheelton
Justin Lazenby - Tim Manning
Paige Petite - Claire Wilkowski
Micky Rale - John McCormick
Derek Jobson - John Pickering
Dee Jobson - Sheila Rider
Arabella Lazenby - Sara Manning

Production Team:

Director and Producer - Richard Wheelton
Stage Manager and Set Design - Nigel Whitehead
Artwork - Kate Underwood
Dance and Fight Choreography - Helena Broughton
Prompt - Hilary Wheelton
Lighting and Sound - Derek Brotherston
Front of House - John Wheatley
Box Office and Publicity - Sheila and Brian Rider
Refreshments - Amelia and Caroline Lennon

Costumes from Wacky Wardrobe

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